
Mar 2, 2017

Scouting Out the Aquarium

A couple of weeks ago we got a flier on our girl scout Facebook page that talked about Scout Nights at the Loveland Living Planet aquarium. Their admission is usually about $20 each, but for these 3 nights, the girls could get in for only $5. When I checked a little further, I saw that my boys could go too, so naturally I was all over that.

Lil Sis decided to take her entire family and it also became the first real outing for our little Twizlet when Teach and Twiz joined us too. There were about 18 of us by the time we headed for the check in desk. This aquarium was pretty amazing! The entire building is shaped like a fish.

We loved the huge tanks of fish! Since it was evening, we didn't get to see some things very well, like they dim all the lights in the penguin exhibits. We could sort of see them, but they were sleeping so it didn't really matter.

The little otters were all curled up in a ball together, which is exactly where I would like to be right now. It has been a long day and I still have a huge pile of cookies in my living room.

1 comment:

  1. I think that looks so fun. I have heard about it before. I think we will for sure take our Grandchildren there when they are around. Blessings and hugs~
