
Feb 28, 2017


Today was a big day for Drama Queen.

At 11:00, she and I opened the door to the title company and in less than an hour, she became a proud new homeowner!

It was pretty stressful for her, but they made it much easier by explaining the pages that needed explaining and mostly just shuffling through the rest. She can take possession on Wednesday after the loan funds, but she is still planning to do some pretty extensive remodeling before she actually moves in. The place needs paint and carpet for sure, and a few other minor repairs.

After we finished with the title company, we picked up Baby Doll and drove to Chick Fil A for a mini celebration and finished with a couple of other errands. Not bad for a day off from teaching, Drama Queen.

Abigail tries hard to be a good watch dog... maybe a little too hard...
I'm sure you will be hearing tons more about her new home in the next few weeks, so I will leave you with another pic of our new little Twizlet. She had her first doctor's appointment today and they pronounced her perfect (of course we already knew that).


  1. Congratulations, Drama Queen!!! Can't wait to see pictures later!

    And that baby... so sweet!

    I need to go back and catch up on your blog; life has been crazy lately and I'm several posts behind.

  2. Oh, baby Twizlet is so precious. Congrats to Drama Queen for getting her first home. I will look forward to the photos as she completes the projects. Blessings for all!
