
Jan 22, 2017

Teach's Baby Shower

Baby Doll had the 8:00 basketball game this morning and we woke up to about 6 inches of new snow. That made for slippery roads and plenty of slush. I was worried that the weather would keep shower guests away and after Li'l Sis called to report 10 inches at her house, my fears were confirmed. She and my older sister braved the storm, but it did keep much of our family away.

The girls spent this morning decorating the house and cleaning bathrooms while I did basketball games with the kids. My sweetie shoveled the snow for a couple of hours before he finally headed to work. They have been swamped there since he got back from the holiday.

In spite of the weather, my sweet neighbors still came in droves and they spoiled Teach. She had to borrow a laundry basket to take all of their generosity home. The games were fun; Baby Doll made the "Pin the Poo on the Diaper" game. It was pretty popular. Beauty won the "How Many Pacifiers Can You Pick Up With a Straw in One Minute" game. Twiz let me cheat just a little...

Princess brought her famous cupcakes and we served chips, fruits and veggies. Teach was so excited about all the beautiful books! She must have received about 50 and there was only one that was duplicated and that was from me so we just gave her a different one.

Teach is tired too.

We had a steady stream of people here from two until five. But  the early morning games made all the kids tired so they went to bed petty early. I have to admit that I'm feeling the same way and so was Teach.

Besides, we have another party tomorrow...

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