
Jan 21, 2017

Almost Ready

I spent a good part of my day hanging posters for the ballet next weekend, selling Girl Scout cookies, and getting ready for Teach's baby shower tomorrow. I had already put up 10 posters earlier this week and then I was given 20 more. With Bossy and Fajita's help, we got them all hung at various businesses but 2, so I picked up a few more at the studio tonight when I took Scout to rehearsal.

The cookie sales were mostly at the elementary school. Since my kids have been off track we are a little behind, but we caught most of the teachers today plus a few neighbors we missed. They kids were pretty excited to learn that their efforts added up to almost 100 boxes. Not bad for a couple of hours of work.

Grandpa posed in our cute baby poster.
Besides basketball practice, getting Sport off on a scout camp, and delivering a little Tupperware, the rest of my day was spent cleaning the house and buying the food for the baby shower tomorrow. Crafty and I even managed to sneak out to Kohl's right before it closed so she could find a gift since she has been so busy.

Shopping with Crafty
For the last couple of years I have been sad every time I walked past the infant department. Tonight was the first time I could actually enjoy looking at the tiny outfits and fuzzy sleepers. I even bought myself an early birthday gift in the intimates department.

Basketball will fill my morning tomorrow, so I'm hoping Drama Queen will pull everything together. If not, I will still have a couple of hours before anyone starts to arrive. Now I need to get off to bed because that 8:00 AM game will be here way too soon.

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