
Jan 23, 2017

Happy Birthday to Me! ... sort of...

My blog is officially six years old now. It's crazy how quickly the time has gone! All my kids came over today for my birthday party except for Gamer and he dropped by later. He works graveyards now, so sleep is always a difficult problem with family gatherings.

Sorry for the bad pics, Curly was my photographer.
Beauty and The Beast even drove to Ogden in a snowstorm to pick up Prima Donna so everyone would be here! They know my favorite thing on the planet is to have all of my family around me. My birthday isn't actually until Wednesday, but it is so hard to get together on a weekday with all the crazy work and school schedules.

My sweetie cooked a lovely surf 'n turf dinner with London broil and salmon. He also made a huge pot of alfredo to please the children and lots of veggies and a yummy salad for me. I love those kinds of things. If I could just stop the grazing between meals, I might actually lose weight.

Did I tell you that Bossy just started working at Sam's Club as a cake decorator? She brought me a carrot cake that she had decorated at work yesterday. We were on the quick schedule since my sweetie was planning to run Prima Donna back to Ogden. The storm had gotten much worse and it took him 3 hours instead of 2 for the round trip.

The week is looking pretty crazy from here, but hopefully things will fall into place quickly. It's my birthday week so it should be a piece of cake... :)