
Jan 24, 2017

Constant Issues

My life seems to be full of constant chasing all day long. My sweetie says we should just simplify, but one thing I've noticed about myself is that I sort of like the complicated craziness. So even if we decided, for example, to not play baseball this spring (don't freak out, Curly!), I would likely just fill that time with something else equally as complicated.

Tonight I decided to have a simple Family Home Evening by taking the kids to the Chinese New Year family craft hour at the library. We had so much fun at the various stations. At one point, Baby Doll got all upset because she was trying to cut too fast and she trimmed off part of her dragon picture. Then Scout wanted me to color half her picture so we could get done more quickly

. It was really nice to remind them that we had plenty of time and we only needed to be out by 8:00 to pick up Crafty from dance.

It was snowy and slick tonight. My sweetie has been shoveling tons of snow and now he has tendonitis in his hand. Hopefully these anti-inflammatory meds will do the trick. Life is hard enough without constant pain... or even intermittent pain...cramps, broken fingers, toothaches, headaches...

...paper cuts...dry skin... chapped lips...

1 comment:

  1. Oh your family list of pains, not fun. Glad you all had fun at the library though!
