
Jan 7, 2017

Teach and her Twizlet

People ask me all the time how Teach is doing, so I have also been trying to get her to write a post for you. I guess she is a little busy right now with her body building a baby while she is still teaching 6th grade full time. I am so proud of her for getting out of bed every morning, putting on her coat, and driving the short distance to her school. It is so hard to be the Energizer Bunny when all you want to do is sleep but you can't because your back hurts, your legs ache, and you have to get up and go to the bathroom every 5 minutes.

That's not quite the way she put it on Facebook this morning, so I will let her tell you how she feels in her own words.

Tomorrow I hit 34 weeks of being pregnant and my plan is to teach and work until the day I deliver. I have people lovingly asking me how I'm feeling and my automatic response is "tired" because I am. 

However, I want y'all to know... under all that tired, I'm very very happy. :) I've waited for many years for this chance to be a mother and I know it is God's plan for Twiz and I. 


Here is a baby bump and a smile from every angle. It's important to me that I document this incredible time in my life. :)

#babytwizlet  :)

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