
Jan 6, 2017

Prima Donna and University Life

I've been trying for a while to get Prima Donna to update you on her life away at school, but she is so busy now with her new job and school starting next week, that we may never hear from her. So I am going to give you my version of her reality. Prima Donna, feel free to correct all my errors. :)

After she graduated from Bingham in the spring, she decided that Weber State was her school of choice even though she had better scholarship opportunities elsewhere. She was impressed with their Theater program and even though I originally enrolled her as a Theater Education major, she immediately changed her schedule and declared herself to be a Musical Theater major.

Six Characters in Search of an Author at Weber State
As you already know, she auditioned for Six Characters in Search of an Author and was cast (along with Baby Doll). That show pretty much ran her life for a while and with her classes and rehearsals, she applied for a couple of jobs but was turned down because she basically had zero availability.

Then the play ended and so did the semester, so she again picked up the job search. She was immediately offered a spot at Burger King and much to my surprise, she jumped at it! (This is my girl who always swore she would never work fast food...)

On New Year's Eve my sweetie and I ran to Ogden to pick her up from work so she could spend the weekend and the holiday with the family. I convinced her to pose for this cute pic for me in her uniform and my sweetie even took a picture of the burger she made for him, but alas, he is sleeping and it is still trapped in his phone.

Now Prima Donna is all trained and looking forward to her first paycheck. Spring semester starts next week and I'm not sure how she will juggle work and classes, but she is pretty determined so I'm sure she will manage somehow.

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