
Jan 5, 2017

More Reflections and Conquering Fears

Tonight was the Secondary Council Reflections Awards Ceremony for the Middle and High School groups. In simple language, that means that Crafty and Sport were up for several awards and we would hoping they would be victorious.

A few days ago the person in charge called me up to see if Sport happened to be a scout. Of course I said, "Yes!" Then she asked me if he would be willing to lead the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. Of course I said, "Yes!" and then tried to figure out a good way to tell Sport.

He was a little annoyed that I had committed him without asking, but mostly I think he was a little scared about being on the stage in front of several hundred people. I did offer to buy him a pair of scout pants to wear as a consolation prize. That meant running to the scout shop and picking them up as well as fitting and hemming them before tonight.

But it was worth it.

I love watching my kids conquer their fears. He handled it tonight like a champ. After that stress was over, we just had the winning to stress over. Crafty won 3 of the 4 categories she was up for including Dance, Film Production, and 3D Art. Sport won in 3D Art, so they will both advance to region competition.

I'm so proud of my kids for all their hard work!

Congrats, Sport and Crafty.

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