
Jan 8, 2017

Building a Basement Bathroom

My sweetie has had the last couple of weeks off from work. Our first one was spent doing Christmas stuff, but for the past two weeks, I've hardly seen him. He has been building a bathroom in the basement for Grandpa.

It's actually the last unfinished room in our house. We had the bathroom roughed in during the build, so that made some things easier, but it's still been a pretty massive project. He goes back to work on Monday, so the tile will likely have to wait until next weekend, but they got a bunch of the painting done today. I say "they" because he usually has a kid or two that he is teaching various skills at any given time.

My morning was filled with basketball. Baby Doll's game started at 9:00 and we won't go into any details, but it almost made me want to stop coaching. It's a good thing that Scout's game was just the opposite. We lost both games and I think the boys lost theirs also. Sadly, I didn't see either one of them play because their games were right over the top of the girls.

When games were over, we had helped clean the church, and the girls were home from rehearsal, we decided to have a date. First we stopped at Home Depot...

But then my sweetie took me to Leatherby's for dinner and ice cream. It has been more than a decade since we were there, but things are still delicious. We ended our date by cleaning our bedroom together and watching a couple of movies.

What could possibly be more romantic than that?


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