
Jan 11, 2017

Pajama Party at Chick-fil-A

Our South Jordan Chick-fil-A does so many fun things!

Tonight they had this deal that if you wore your pajamas between 5:00 and 8:00 they would give you a free chicken biscuit. It cost me $12 for the 6 large fries, but the rest of our meal was free. We sat there for a long time waiting for Bossy and her family to join us, but it was a productive time.

When we came in we were handed a piece of paper with some games on it. One of them was a word scramble. We could use the letters from CHICKEN BISCUIT to see how many words we could come up with. The paper said there were at least 300 and that we couldn't cheat and use the internet.

Smile, Grandpa!
Drama Queen just can't resist a challenge like this. Pretty soon the back side of the paper was filled with words. The one she was the most proud of was "succinct." After Bossy and Gamer got there, they started helping too. Grandpa threw out some words as well. By the time we were finished, we had over 200 words and I swear if we had given her another 30 minutes, Drama Queen would have had all 300!

Me and Gamer
Everyone, even the kids, was each given a card for a free breakfast entree on a different day. We got pictures with the cow and some silly hats, candy and key chains. On the way home, Drama Queen kept coming up with new words that she didn't think were on her list. It's a good thing she took a picture of it before she turned it in. She won't be satisfied until she comes up with every single one.


  1. All the Chick-Fil-A's did this fun event tonight. So fun! If only my boys liked it.....

  2. Our Chick-fil-A did free breakfast, so it sort of turned into a pajama party 😂

  3. Oh, my gosh, I love how you make an activity even funnier; amazing. I liked the idea of the words and I am afraid I would fail at this one!
    Blessings and hugs~
