
Jan 10, 2017

Good Intentions

I had such great intentions last week. I went to the gym twice and I played basketball on two other days. I still suffer from my chocolate addiction, but things were looking up.

Then this morning things seemed to be crashing in on me from everywhere. Grandpa was sick and needed a new medication. Prima Donna needed to change her class schedule and deal with a tuition issue. Bossy was buried in adoption issues, Teach's shower invitations were still staring at me instead of being all neatly tucked into these bright pink envelopes we ordered just for the occasion.

The Dog Walker's work schedule was messed up, Princess needed help with a credit card issue, Scout had to work, Sport needed me to email a teacher about something he forgot to turn in on Friday, and it was the first warm day we have had since Christmas so Curly and Baby Doll were trying to take down as many Christmas lights as possible.


But now Dog Walker is stowing lights neatly wrapped into a box in the living room. Grandpa is feeling a bit better and has gone to bed. We fixed the schedule and tuition issues for Prima Donna and Dog Walker, got Princess's credit card problem fixed, and my shower invitations are ready for the mailbox. I also have a stack to put on doors for the neighbors tomorrow so I can get a little exercise in the morning to make up for today.

Sport's teacher accepted his assignment without a penalty, and I just don't know how to help Bossy. Soon things will be decided for her family. The court date is on my birthday as long as they can get all the inspections and paperwork ready in time.

Now I need to work on that chocolate addiction... or not...

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