
Jan 12, 2017

Dance Concert

I love that Bingham waits until after the holidays are over to stage their Dance Concert although this year it didn't make much difference for us; life was still crazy!

There were too many places for me to be tonight. I had a Community meeting for my Girl Scout troop, New Beginnings for Scout at the church, and Crafty's Dance Concert at the high school. Since she only performs twice a year as a member of Dance 3, I decided that was where I needed to be. Drama Queen assumed my responsibilities with Scout (she won't enter the Young Women program until November; that seems so far away!), and I met with our Community leader before I had to leave.

There was also dance to worry about and at some point I realized that Curly was about to be left home alone, so he got to go to the Dance Concert with us. Drama Queen picked up Baby Doll and she got to enjoy New Beginnings as well.

Crafty was in two numbers and she did a fantastic job! She is certainly Dance Company material. We also helped her invite someone to the Sweethearts Dance. She has never been on a date before, so it was a little tricky convincing her it was a good idea, but we finally managed.

We are almost finished delivering shower invitations, but the rain sent us home today without finishing the last part of our neighborhood. That will be a priority tomorrow... along with cub scouts, basketball, doctor visits and lab work for Grandpa, dance... never ends.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, for you it is true your busy life never ends. I always enjoy reading how you work it all through though and I think that is awesome. I loved the photos of the dancing and I love how you decide who needs you most. You are just plain awesome! Big hugs for you!
