
Jan 29, 2017

Chess Tournament

Bossy tells me you get tired of listening to me tell about my whole list of activities for the day, so I'm trying to limit myself to posting about a specific thing, but honestly, my life is not really like that. I seriously run from one thing to another all day long.

Eating nachos
Yesterday was no exception, but let's see how good I am at limiting myself to just one exciting thing. Do you remember way back in 6th grade (so a couple of years ago) when Sport was all into Chess? He was on the chess team at his school and he participated in a couple of tournaments, so when the opportunity came up for him to compete again, we decided to sign him up even though it conflicted with basketball and he would have to take a bye for the 1st two rounds.

I had to run straight to Baby Doll's game after Sport's basketball game (which they lost by a buzzer shot) so my sweetie dropped him at West Jordan High school. He is used to doing these tournaments by himself since they are mostly a whole lot of waiting when he isn't actually playing.

Lots of waiting
So at 2:00 we left the Super Reader Party (I will tell you about that later!) and drove to the high school to pick him up, but they were running behind so we decided to wait with him until the awards were given. That turned into over an hour of sitting around, buying nachos and other concessions because the kids hadn't eaten lunch and they were hungry, playing on their phones, and setting up another game of Chess to keep them occupied.

9th Place

Sport hadn't played as well as he had hoped and he wasn't sure if he would be recognized or not, but we decided to wait and see. It took forever for them to award the elementary school group. Finally they had the middle/high school. As they announced that 21 kids had competed in the 8th grade division, Sport was shaking his head. But then they started awarding medals and he received 9th place which isn't as good as he wanted, but much better than he was expecting.

Now he and Curly are all excited to find another tournament so they can compete again.

Chess anyone?


  1. I'm not bored about your many activities. It absolutely amazes me how many things your family is involved in. Do you ever have time to yourself? Are you able to occasionally just veg out in front of the tv? Also, your opening picture has a blue "explosion" sometime and a plain blue one other times. I really like the explosion one.

  2. I find this so cool that you have a chld in Chess too. You do have a lot of diversity in your acitivities and I thnk that is awesome.
    This was a fun read. Hugs for the winner and his placement; sweet!
