
Jan 30, 2017

Super Reader Party

Bet you are surprised to see me posting in the morning. That's because my sweetie is out of town for work and instead of lounging in my nice warm bed while he takes the kids to school, I have to put on my gloves, brave the cold, and do it myself. Thank goodness I've got Curly to scrape the ice for me!

I promised to tell you about the Super Reader Party. We love the Read Today group! They do so many fun things, but our two favorites are the Bees game in the summer and the Super Reader party in the winter. It was at the Expo Center in Sandy this year which is much easier than running all the way to the fairgrounds downtown and we had the afternoon session from 12 - 2.

Li'l Sis and her family met us at the house since my niece had a sleepover with Baby Doll after the ballet on Friday night. Grandpa decided to come with us too, but after three basketball games (two that I coached plus Sport's), he was pretty worn out and spent a fair amount of time just sitting and watching the activities.

The Party always has way more than you can really do in two hours, so we started at the free book station and then moved on to the craft booths. The kids made little notebooks, spiders, bird feeders, parachutes, and a bunch of other things. I only had Curly and Baby Doll with me since Scout had a matinee performance of the ballet. My sweetie stayed home to run the grandsons to their basketball games since Bossy had to work.

By 2:00 we were exhausted and ready to leave. About the time we loaded in the car we heard from Sport at the Chess tournament and changed our course to the high school. But wait, I told you that story already...

1 comment:

  1. I really like the idea of the super reader program. The party looked like a fun one with lots of activities. As usual you hae more than one fun actifvity to attend. I can understand that Grandpa might get tired; because I would. Blessings and hugs~
