
Jan 28, 2017

Les Sylphides and Four Sea Interludes

Remember a few days ago when I told you I was hanging posters for the ballet company performance? Well, that production is finally here!

Crafty and Scout have been putting in long hours on the weekends at the studio to prepare and it was fun to see the final outcome. Drama Queen was helping with the scenery, so my living room has been full of "coral" (made from upside down stools and pool noodles) all week.

We decided it would be a fun girl scout meeting so we took 5 of the girls with us. It's nice to share our talents with the other girls in the troop. Three of our older girls had to work or had activities; evenings are much harder to get everyone together.

Anyway, the performance was fairly short, and we were there for only a little over an hour. It started with Les Sylphides. Crafty did a beautiful job! It was her first real solo and then she danced with a male partner as well. Her lifts were awesome!

When Les Sylphides was over, they had a 15-minute intermission while they set up for the Four Sea Interludes. I loved the scenery for the Interludes and the costumes were bright and colorful just like I would imagine things are like under the sea. Crafty played water and Scout was a green fish.

Both of them did a terrific job! Sure love my girls.

1 comment:

  1. I love the photos and I admire all the talent you have in your family. I really like that you have children in dance; I think that is aweosme. I love the photos of the dancing and I can tell that Crafty has the ballerina look in the ones of her.
    Blessings and hugs for all their hard work!
