
Nov 30, 2016

Gateway Discovery Museum Field Trip

I spoke with someone in the know today about the look of my blog. She suggested I make my pics bigger and not run text on both sides, so I'm going to try that in this post. I would love comments so I know if you like it better or not. :)

First of all, the MRI was all right. I didn't die or anything although I was wishing I had taken the Valium about 10 minutes sooner. When she put me in the tube I thought my heart was going to pound right out of my chest. Thankfully, after a few minutes it settled down and I got through it. If you are not claustrophobic, you really wouldn't understand.

I was looking back through my pics and I realized I never got a chance to share the field trip Baby Doll and I took to the Discovery Gateway museum. I had been there before, but it was a whole new experience for Baby Doll; even riding the bus was new. Yeah, we went with her entire kindergarten class as well as 3 other classes. It was pretty crazy, but you already know I like crazy.

Last time I rode on a school bus I swore I would never do it again. I was SO carsick! This time it was much easier; not sure if that was the driver or what, but I was grateful. We arrived downtown about 9:30 and we were the first school there. The kids were placed in groups and each group was given a colored vest to wear. Our group was red and I only had two kids to watch, Baby Doll and the little guy who is totally smitten with her.

She loved the museum and he loved following her around. It was super cute watching them interact. She was mostly patient and kind and he was never far away from her. Our favorite part was the Primary Children's exhibit with an actual life-flight helicopter. She also loved the farm, the music station, pretty much everything.

I would love to go back when we have all the time in the world instead of just slightly over an hour, but I will have to get Sam's phone number because it just wouldn't be the same without him to follow Baby Doll around.


  1. Fun field trip!! Also, I TOTALLY love the formatting change to your blog. I read it from my phone and it was hard to read around photos before. This was super easy to read!

  2. I totally love the new look. We went to bigger pictures on ours a while ago and it makes a huge different. The picture at the top is really nice! One thing I'm not in love with is that it is a little too wide. My browser on my laptop won't even stretch to get it all in. Still, it is so much nicer! Congrats!


  3. I like your header with all of your kids, wow are they growing and almost all adults save the littlest one in kindergarten? Merriest of Christmases and Happy Hanukkah tooooo we celebrate god's love and mercy all the year thru..Here there are many hungry and hubs of nearly 43 years worked retail grocery all his life, I have volunteered at domestic violence shelters for about 30 years, the hunger and homelessness is deplorable...Many think it won't happen to them, many work but rents are so exorbitant in our community many sleep in their cars, it is freezing cold now..Your church the LDS welcomes all and many join it because it is such a loving place and they become members and sisters and brothers in your faith..It is wonderful they welcome all who hunger for God's word...I see missionaries and they bike and walk and witness about your faith I mean their faith LDS I always offer them candy bars, fruit and hot cocoa and toast, I am not a member of your LDS faith but from one spiritual person to others I reach out, they are someone's child, brother, grandson and human being loved by your faith and they are telling their good news..Happiest of Holidays..God's BLessings always...X()
