
Dec 1, 2016

Beer Can Chicken

A couple of weeks before Thanksgiving, I got an email from my friends at Cave Tools asking me if I wanted to review another new product. I hesitated when he described it as Beer Can Chicken. First of all, I don't do alcohol and second, I was worried that one little chicken wouldn't be enough to serve my brood.

Fortunately, my sweetie understood the cooking concept and patiently explained to me that we didn't have to use beer, we could use apple juice instead. We also didn't have to use chicken, we could roast a small turkey the same way (and you've probably noticed they were pretty cheap this month). Of course he convinced me as we waited for our "Apple Juice Turkey cooker" to arrive.

My sweetie seasoned the turkey with a dry rub and then proceeded to sit the turkey up on the can. My kids thought it was pretty disgusting sitting up like that and we all laughed a bit as he tucked the legs down around the edge and onto a cookie sheet. We knew the turkey was bigger, so we didn't want to chance any spills.

Besides, it was cold outside, so we were modifying the cooking plan as well. My sweetie put it right inside our oven.

It wasn't long before it began smelling like turkey. He kept the temperature low and controlled to make it even more juicy and flavorful.We had it scheduled to be finished between the Pinewood Derby and the play. Unfortunately, the derby went long and the Dog Walker ended up removing the turkey from the oven to save for later while we raced straight to Ogden.

You have no idea how my daughters reacted when they opened the fridge and it was just sitting there! He made absolutely zero attempts to cover it with foil or remove it from the can or anything. He did keep it on the cookie sheet, (upright!) which at least kept it from getting contaminated.

We got home late Saturday night from the play and dropped into bed. After we got home from church, my sweetie pulled out the turkey and began to cut the breast up for sandwiches. I was afraid that it was going to be dry and tough. Can I tell you I have rarely had such good meat? Especially after it has been in the refrigerator all night uncovered.

The turkey was still juicy and delicious and made an amazing sandwich. Curly devoured his plain, and Crafty tossed small pieces into a salad. We were all very pleased with our choices.

Now I know you are thinking, "I got to get me one of these..." so I'm going to give you the inside scoop on a coupon code that will save you some cash. Just enter JMS68Z2V at Amazon or at Cave Tools

***We were given a free Beer Can Chicken Rack for our open and honest review of the product.***

1 comment:

  1. Loved the tutorial for the review! It did look interesting. I like the idea that it was yummy and especially moist. Hugs!
