
Nov 29, 2016

Deck the Halls

Baby Doll was so excited to help!
Time is just flying by! The kids were talking yesterday about how in 4 weeks, it would be Christmas. That made me a little nervous so I did some shopping today. I got something cute for my Girl Scouts and nearly all of the elements for something fun I'm doing for my older kids. How did we ever survive without the internet?

Mostly I've been trying to get through this massive pile on my desk while I prepare for the next round of excitement including Christmas, the dance recital, and the beginning of basketball. Dog Walker and I attended the coaches meeting tonight. The snowstorm was terrible and at 12 minutes, I think it was the shortest meeting ever!

We also got our Coaches' Certifications done (online, of course), and moved furniture around so we can put in the tree in a day or two. My sweetie got it soaking in a bucket tonight, so that's a good sign.

I also spent half an hour with Crafty, Baby Doll, and Fajita decorating the Cupcake Club Hall. Who knew being the president of a club would be so much work?! Thankfully, the girls did most of the prep work last night while my sweetie and I took Prima Donna back to Ogden. Now Crafty has to come up with some kind of service project to raise money for True Blue (which is really Sub for Santa).

At first it was fun to make a hundred tape rolls...
I'm not anxious for sleep tonight like usual. I'm headed for another MRI tomorrow to see if things are changing in my back before they shoot me with more Cortizone. I have a real problem with being trapped in a tube; I would rather have surgery or a root canal. Lying flat on my back is another issue. Last time they had to redo all of the final set of pictures because I kept shifting slightly to try to relieve the pain.

But enough of that.

By the end of the week things will be awesome!
They better be, because our first basketball practice is on Saturday...


  1. One of our boy scout troops here sels Christmas treets for their yearly major fund raiser. We were at the lot Friday am, as they were unloading the first truck, and bought our tree then. Hubby and kids got it up while I was at work Friday afternoon.

  2. And I can't spell using my phone. Trees, sells, what else did I spell wrong?
