
Oct 6, 2016

Random Projects

It seems that we are all about random projects here lately. Bossy brought over a bowl of tomatoes today and I had a bunch so we settled into making tomato sauce and eventually my sweetie took half of it to make goulash for both families. That left us with only 7 quarts, but we were OK with that. Anytime I don't have to cook, I'm happy.

My sweetie took the day off work and decided to get started on the painting. He is doing doors... the back door, the front door, and the garage doors including all the trim. He got the first coat on in between rainstorms, although the rain doesn't seem to have affected the paint. Sport and Hot Sauce were excellent helpers masking and then even after Sport took off for football practice, Hot Sauce continued to help with the doors. He is a really good kid and Bossy and Gamer's newest foster son.

I'm still trying to get the house put back together after our epic scrap-booking party over the weekend. I got more binders and sheet protectors, but sadly, other things have become more important so they are currently sitting in the pile of filled new binders that don't fit on the bookcase.

Why is it that trying to fix one problem can sometimes just cause another one?

1 comment:

  1. I love your hubby's ambitious painting project. I imagine it will look awesome when it is finished. I used to love the canning moments; but not so much anymore. However, I do think there is a huge sines of accomplishment when you see the bottle you have done. Hugs~
