
Oct 7, 2016

Too Much Craziness

Today my sweetie did a little more painting although this time he had lots of help. He is so kind and patient with the kids, especially during teaching moments like these. Only one of the many reasons I love this man!

I ran around like crazy all day. Tonight was full of volleyball, but most of my day was spent getting ready for my cub scout meeting. I was going to take pictures while we were there, but it was such a whirlwind, I forgot.

We were studying disabilities so of course I told our 8 scouts about the Dog Walker and all of his amazing accomplishments. If he hadn't been at work, I would have asked him to help me. So instead I invited my dear friend, Loraine, to speak. She was injured in an accident when she was in high school and has no feeling from the waist down. The boys were completely mesmerized by her story which is pretty rough to do with a bunch of 8-year-olds!

When she was finished, we ran the boys through some activities including trying to do simple tasks wearing a pair of gloves. That doesn't sound too hard until you realize that I sewed all the fingers together on 4 pairs so they could know how it felt to have problems with their hands.

It was fun and the boys seemed to learn something, but it left me exhausted, mostly emotionally, I think, but also physically. By the time I spent 3 more hours at the church setting up, playing, and then taking down for volleyball, I am ready for some sleep.

Tomorrow is Baby Doll's actual birthday and we have some fun activities planned. That's all I'm going to say for now.

1 comment:

  1. I really really like this Cub Scout Activity. I love the idea of exposing them to what it might be like to be handicapped. I had ankle surgery years ago and it taught me a lot about how hard it is to be on crutches. Also later, I broke my elbow and it was very difficult to do my hair or just get dressed.
    I am so impressed with your involvment in playing sports; you are amazing! I do hope you got some good sleep.
    Blessings and hugs~
