
Oct 5, 2016

I Got Nothing

I got nothing.

I didn't take a single picture all day. I spent the morning at Curves (I actually worked out and didn't die!) checking on my Tupperware party and cleaning the house. We were watching my friends' little dogs, so that took some time.

This afternoon I took Grandpa to the doctor. He has been having some dizzy spells so we are seeing an ENT to try to fix whatever ails him. With drive time, and a couple of long chatty conversations with my sister, and a "discussion" on the phone with a guy at the bookstore, that pretty much took care of my afternoon.

Then tonight it was multiple dance and football runs, make dinner, plan an activity for scouts on Thursday, help Crafty get her birthday invitations ready to deliver, volleyball, more cleaning, and now a blog post where I am failing miserably.

I feel so much pressure to write every day even when I just have a boring, uneventful day. Oh, I remember something I did want to tell you. I got my crown put on yesterday and my teeth are mostly healed from the infection. That is such a relief!

You would think I could have dropped a few pounds over the month that I couldn't eat, but I think I gained a couple instead. You know, not all soft foods are healthy...


  1. I LOVE that last sentence!! :)

  2. I am happy to hear that the crown is on and that you don't have any infection. I do hope Grandpa is OK; that's a worry.
    Oh my dear, I don't think that you ever have a boring day. In fact, I don't understand how you keep going sometimes.
    Blessings and hugs!
