
Oct 4, 2016

Painting Grandma's House

I was hoping to get my sweetie to write this post for you, but since he was out of town for a week and then out of town again for most of last week, he is busy catching up at work. Remember I told you he was painting his mom's house?

I just thought you might want to see some of the pictures. She is so happy with the results! I love the bright yellow. It might not be the best for resale, but at 78, I don't think she is planning to upgrade anytime soon.

My sweetie was so tired! He does quite a bit of yard work, but painting houses has never been his thing (although he did power-wash a bunch of my wood today so I guess my house is getting a bit of a facelift too). He doesn't love ladders or working over his head.

His brother helped him with all the painting and masking, although my sweetie spent an extra day power-washing everything first. I couldn't convince him to stay the night so he drove back and forth 2 hours each way for 4 days. But as you can see, it was totally worth it and his mom is so pleased. I just wish he would have taken a pic of her standing in front of her bright yellow door. (My SIL just sent me these last two pics. Not quite what I was hoping for, but close!)

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that is a huge job to paint a house; he is awesome to do that for his Mom. Loved the yellow color. Blessings for him~
