
Oct 3, 2016

I was Hoping...

We celebrated Crafty's birthday with a big party for the family tonight. It followed a day of General Conference and scrapbooking. Honestly, I was a bit disappointed that we didn't get further on the books, but it was my fault, since I underestimated the number of binders we would need. Don't get me wrong, I knew we couldn't totally get rid of the scrapbook boxes, I was just hoping...

In between conference sessions my sweetie spent the day cooking for us. He prepared homemade rolls and a delicious dutch oven meatloaf. I made the cake. Crafty blew out all 16 candles but one on the first try. She mostly got clothes (yoga pants) from everyone and craft stuff from Princess and The Frog. She was most excited about the straightener from Drama Queen.

Prima Donna came down for the weekend so she could be here for the birthday party. I think I told you we got the car fixed up this week. My sweetie didn't want her to take it back to Ogden especially not in the rain, but I convinced him she would be fine. And she was. Until she slid into the barrier right after she got on the freeway.

She called me all upset and we picked her up. The car runs and has some large new dents on the front bumper. Seriously, two accidents in a week! Thankfully, she wasn't hurt this time either. I'm so glad our kids faithfully wear their seatbelts. She does have a small cut on her shoulder where the belt caught her from being thrown through the windshield.

This is why I pray for safety every day. Multiple times.


  1. Is the car near totaled now??? Maybe it would be better to scrap it and get another, paying for it the second time is not great but your daughter is not driving responsibly! Our only was in a terrible accident in seattle with a metro bus, the company tried to get all her money and then some, she would not pay, a friend of ours an attorney put the hammer down..She doesn't drive at all and the car that was totaled and she got a big cut on her forehead was a rental, she got the accident insurance and it took care of everything..She lives in NYC and has no need for a car, when she travels to LA all the time for her job she has a car and driver provided by her company..she just never drives at all..She got our old new to us car, had it for about 2 months in seattle and thugs and criminals tried to steal it all the time, she had it towed back home by a fellow she went to grade school with, she cancelled her car insurance and the fellow who is a good friend got it back to us in our tiny town, it stayed in the garage and we donated it to the community college to use in their car program, I don't even drive at all and I am her mother, no irrepronsible uninsured yahoos hitting me or killing me!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Happy Birthday for Crafty; it looks like she had a good one. I am so happy that Prima Donna is OK. I can't imagine having two accidents so close together. Prayers are so important and I am always praying for our children and grandchildren to be safe.
    Blessings and hugs for all~
