
Oct 13, 2016

Foster Farms Makes Great Chicken Breast Patties

I know it seems like I talk about football all the time, but with my two boys playing and Bossy's four boys on a total of five separate teams, Saturdays have become major gamedays.

Many of our games are played on Bingham's home field, and that makes it much closer to my house than to Bossy, so naturally we tend to congregate here both before and after the games. She runs my kids this way and I run her kids that way, you get the idea. It's fun, but pretty exhausting!

We try really hard to plan ahead meals so that we don't find ourselves eating out all the time, especially at the field; it's just way too expensive. So when I read about this Foster Farms Gameday Sweepstakes in an email, I was all over it. Who else has 6 boys proudly sporting the same uniform? And that doesn't even count the extra jerseys all the rest of us wear.

I immediately contacted my friend, Jason, at Foster Farms and he offered to send me some free coupons so we could try their sandwiches. I have sort of avoided these frozen chicken patties, just assuming they would be too expensive for our large crew. I was totally shocked when Drama Queen brought me home 3 bags (that's a total of 33 Foster Farms Chicken Breast Patties) for under $15. A couple of bags of buns and some chips and lunch was easy.

Since Saturday also had a merit badge pow wow, ballet rehearsals, Baby Doll's birthday tea, and Crafty's birthday party, as well as all the games, we ate in crazy shifts. It didn't matter though, these sandwiches were even good cold. I added lettuce, mayo, mustard and a slice of tomato from the garden. It was so good! But my sweetie ate his with bacon and a spoonful of Sweet Baby Ray's and he was pretty happy.

It was way better and way cheaper than we could have visited the golden arches and we had fun snapping pics and sharing our gameday. If you want to plan one like we did, you can actually win prizes by posting it on social media.

Hey, let me know if you participate, I would love to see your pictures!

Here are the details and a link for you.

Foster Farms Gameday Sweepstakes

How you do gameday with Foster Farms Chicken Breast Patties?... post a photo or video (less than 2 minutes) with #FosterFarmsGamedaySweepstakes and you could win a $100 retailer gift card this week, plus be entered to win a $1000 GameDay Party or VIP trip for 4 to the Foster Farms Bowl in Santa Clara, CA. For Foster Farms Game Day Sweepstakes official rules visit

1 comment:

  1. Amazing Saturday scheduling and adventures! I like how you find the deals. The chicken sandwiches sounded so good and I especially liked what your husband put on them. Fun posts as always! Hugs~
