
Oct 14, 2016

Thursdays are Hard

Thursday was one of the most difficult chasing days I can remember in a long time, which is why I didn't post last night. I was so tired.

I spent a late night Wednesday making 96 cupcakes for Crafty. Then on Thursday I was up early to go with the Dog Walker to his Voc Rehab appointment, then run back home with just enough time to drop Baby Doll at her play date and drive Grandpa to Draper for his doctor's visit. We got there a little early so we ran into Kohl's and grabbed a shirt for my sweetie for $1.82 with my Kohl's Kash. (Grandpa was pretty impressed!)

Then we did the doc first and the hearing aids next and hurried back home so we could pick up Baby Doll and deliver the rest of the fliers for our Girl Scout food drive and then I could make frosting and gather the rest of the things for the Cupcake Club meeting. After that I ran Baby Doll half way across the valley so my sweetie could take her to rehearsal in Ogden.

When I got back it was time to eat a quick sandwich before rushing to Cupcake Club. Crafty was so happy for the support. She is getting better and better at speaking out and running these activities on her own.

I had 10 minutes to change into my scout shirt and pick up Sport and Curly for our cub scout meeting. Thank goodness I wasn't in charge this week. After scouts it was race Curly to the park at 5:00 for football practice while he changed in the car, a quick team meeting, and then back home to unload everything.

Scout had dance at 5:30 and Sport had to be at the high school at 6:00. Drama Queen came through with dinner just in time for the Dog Walker to eat during his dinner break while he finished a homework assignment that was due at midnight.

I picked up Scout from dance at 6:30, dropped her at the house with instructions to drop Crafty for her Youth City Council meeting when they picked up Curly from football and I headed to the church to finish setting up for volleyball.

After playing until 9:30, we cleaned up and I finally got home just in time to help Teach and Twiz with their insurance packet (I haven't even opened mine yet). Then finally it was clean up the kitchen, help with homework, and get kids off to bed. When I took off my fitbit at volleyball it said nearly 14,000 steps. That's not that many for you youngsters, but I'm thrilled when I'm over 10,000, so it was a big jump for me.

Then to top it off, when I finally dropped into bed just before 2:00, my legs ached so badly that I couldn't sleep. I'm looking forward to a much more relaxed weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh dear girl; what a day! I think you probably broke a record on that one. How do you do it???? You do keep a mean schedule. 14,000 steps; awesome! Slow down just a tad~ Blessings for you with hugs!
