
Oct 12, 2016

A Little Adventure

I told you my littlest 3 are off track from school for a month, but we haven't had much time to plan any adventures so today we took advantage of the fact that Baby Doll had rehearsal in Ogden. After their dentist appointments, we piled into the car along with Bossy, a couple of her kids, and Grandpa and we headed north.

We dropped Grandpa at Temple Square downtown (I'll let him tell you why in a couple of weeks) and then we kidnapped my sweetie from work. He loves the Hill Air Force Museum and we couldn't possibly go without him. It was a whole new adventure for Hot Sauce and Chips.

Chips absolutely loved the big planes! He is so full of life it is fun to watch him discover new things (a little exhausting, maybe...). After a couple of hours of wandering, we ate our picnic lunch outside on the tables and piled back into the car.

After delivering Baby Doll to Prima Donna at Weber, we reversed the trip. Sweetie went back to work, we got Grandpa from Temple Square, and made it home just in time to get kids to dance and football.

1 comment:

  1. That did look like a very fun adventures and you did it in such a timely manner. Hugs~
