
May 22, 2016

Moms and Muffins

Curly is right in the middle in the light blue shirt.
Remember way back in the fall when my sweetie got to join Curly for Dads and Donuts? Well, yesterday was Moms and Muffins.

Curly was so excited, he wore his blue 5K shirt and asked me to wear mine so we could be twins. He also had no patience with Scout and her late start ideas; he wanted to be on time!

I took Curly and Scout to school and then I waited in line with the 2nd graders until the bell rang and we were ushered into the building. Nearly every child in line had an adult with them, so it took a while for us all to get situated. At least one other class was also celebrating, so it was pretty crowded.

Curly got me a folding chair off the rack and placed it near his desk. It seemed that all the moms and grandmas were doing the same thing. Then he served me (and him, of course) a poppy seed muffin. They were delicious! He drank both of our chocolate milks and first he read this cute book he wrote to me and then I read to him for a few minutes before the kids presented a little story.

Each child had memorized a paragraph of the story and they passed a microphone along the line as the projector shined the pictures on the screen. Curly did a great job with his lines! Then they presented us with a little homemade box full of kisses.

It was fun and sweet and so nice to spend a few minutes with just Curly.

And 25 other kids and their moms...

1 comment:

  1. What a sweet Mother and son activity. It sounded so fun. I loved reading about it. Hugs for you both~
