
May 21, 2016

A Trip to the Zoo

We had an errand to run downtown today, so we decided to make a quick trip to the zoo with anybody who wanted to come. Taco and Burrito are off track, so Bossy brought them and Chips. Princess had the day off from work (if you remember, she was originally supposed to get married tomorrow) so she went along with me and Baby Doll.

We had so much fun and the weather was beautiful!

They have three lion cubs that were so cute.

We also got a closeup with the giraffe because the staff was feeding them by hand.

I sometimes wish I had more time to just take off for the zoo and spend the day with my little ones.

I'm glad today was that day.

1 comment:

  1. I love your spontaneous moments. A trip to the Zoo is perfect and the photos were fun. Hugs~
