
May 23, 2016

Happy Birthday, Bean Dip!

May and June are full of birthdays for us. Bean Dip turns 14 on Tuesday, but we always have to celebrate for him on the weekend since he lives with his mom across the valley most of the time. We had all the kids here and Grandpa also joined us.

My sweetie made rolls and BBQ chicken and Drama Queen and I were really adventurous with the cake. OK, mostly it was her. I just made a white cake and then she made a caramel frosting and extra caramel for drizzling. I was a bit skeptical since I'm not a real caramel fan, but the cake was delicious!

Bean Dip thought it would be fun to clap the candles out rather than blow them, but when that didn't work, he easily doused them with one breath. We got talking about how long Bean Dip has been in our lives and Bossy reminded me that the first birthday he celebrated with us was in 2009 when he would have been 7 years old, the same age as Curly.

It has been so fun to have him with us. He and Sport are best of friends, in fact, they had a sleepover last night in celebration of the birthday weekend. Bean Dip also plays baseball although we haven't been able to see any of his games this year. I heard he is even pitching! He also enjoys basketball and fishing, camping and video games.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday to Bean Dip. The photos show a great party. I am happy you have him in your family. Blessings and hugs!
