
Apr 30, 2016

Another Comcast Day of Service

A couple of months ago, Bossy asked me if we would like to help with the Comcast Day of Service at her neighborhood school. We had so much fun helping with the one at Bingham last year, that I finally agreed to sign up. It's amazing what my kids will do for a donut and a free t-shirt!

We started in the cafeteria at 7:30, eating donuts with milk and all donning our green Comcast t-shirts. Bossy and her family showed up a few minutes later. We managed to get the bunch of us assigned to two different teams, the guys outside planing trees, and the girls in the library.

It was easy work; we were assigned to pull all the videos off the shelves, wipe everything down and then replace it in the same order. The work was fun and went quickly. Baby Doll and Chips were excited at first to be included, but got bored after a while.

When we were finished in the library, we moved back to the cafeteria and helped wash down all the folding chairs from the racks. Then we decided to join the boys outside with the tree-planting group. They were nearly finished with their task, but we found a bunch of dandelions that needed to be uprooted from the field. By the time we had dug them all up, stuffed them in our garbage back and replaced the divots, it was time to head back to the cafeteria for pizza and a farewell.

The kids were given several boxes of pizza to take home as well as a couple dozen donuts. It was nice to have lunch covered for everyone.

The kids finished their service project at my house, helping my sweetie dig all the weeks and tiny bits of grass out of the park strip. We are going to add wood chips to it and stop fighting with the grass and trying to get it to grow.

It would be nice if we could get the kids to work this hard every Saturday. Maybe I could bring home donuts and t-shirts for everyone...

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