
Apr 30, 2016

The Amazing Mother's Day Purse Project

So I have an amazing friend named Heather and she sent out this letter from Instagram several months ago.

Every year for almost 20 years (Wow! Crazy that it has been that long.), my Mama, sisters and nieces have all gathered together on the Saturday before Mother's Day for a service project and luncheon (my Mama's beautiful and selfless idea, of course). Each year, we take turns planning what we will all be doing for the service project and where our luncheon will be. After what has seemed like a very long wait, it is finally my year again!!! Yay! Over the holidays, I had some pretty amazing experiences that all seemed to lead to the inspiration for the project I decided on for this year. I have personally been in the very humbling position of requiring assistance from others. It was so challenging to put my pride aside and accept help from others when I had always been the HELPER and not the HELPED. Every day since then, I have realized what a beautiful thing it was, for a period of time, to accept service from others. I have always loved serving others, but after experiencing first hand the true MIRACLES and tender mercies that came to our little family as a result of the angels who have served US through the years, I can't seem to get ENOUGH of service. I. Am. Hooked. This year, I felt strongly that I wanted our project to be "Women Serving Women." Not only did I want us to work to provide daily necessities for women in need, I wanted us to also provide the little extras that make us FEEL as beautiful on the outside as we are on the inside. When things are rough, those extras are unnecessary luxuries when babies need clothes and food isn't on the table. But they are also the "little things" that can remind us for a moment that we are strong, beautiful and capable of enduring the challenges we are currently facing. Trust me. I have been there.

My cute Girls (and nephew) buying makeup bags for the purse project.

This year, all of the Dahlquist women of all ages will be getting together on the Saturday before Mother's Day to put together purses for women in need. Necessities and little luxuries, all packaged in FABULOUS purses that will help these good women forget, for even the briefest moment, that life is so very challenging for them at the moment. I put together this SAMPLE PURSE to show what we will be collecting for each and every purse. Each purse will contain the following: 1. PURSE (NEW or VERY GENTLY USED CONDITION, Large enough for all items listed know we all have 2 or 3 in our closets that we aren't using, right? ;-)) 2. HYGIENE KIT (Full-size Shampoo/Conditioner [can be both or 2 in 1], Brush, Deodorant, Toothbrush, Full-size Toothpaste, Bar of Soap, Razor, Lotion, Small Tissues, Small package Tampons/Pads [the small ones found in travel sections or at the Dollar Store]) - in a gallon size baggie 3. BASIC MAKEUP KIT (Neutral Eye Shadow, Blush, Mascara, Lip gloss, Nail Polish) - in a quart size baggie or inexpensive makeup bag (Dollar Store has great ones) 4. NECKLACE, BRACELETS OR EARRINGS - wrapped nicely in a little box or cellophane bag 5. $20-$25 GROCERY GIFT CARD to WALMART or SMITHS and 6. COMPLETELY OPTIONAL EXTRAS: anything we'd like to add in order to make it more personal (gum, small first-aid or sewing kit, wet wipes, bandaids, q-tips, tictacs, perfume, manicure set, etc.
This year, instead of keeping it within the family, I have reached out to the community and friends in a service group I belong to. I feel such conviction about the importance of this project and know that obviously the more hands we have, the more we can do. There is great need.

Our goal is to collect and fill 150-200 purses by the Saturday before Mother's Day. A lofty goal, perhaps. However, over Christmas, I witnessed firsthand how the Lord absolutely MAGNIFIES the efforts of those who wish to serve in ANY capacity. He will provide.
If you'd like to get involved.....whether you are able to donate a completely filled purse, an empty purse to be filled or ANY of the elements to go inside of the purses....please let me know. Anything we can do is a blessing.

Today my Girl Scouts got involved. We went shopping and purchased 23 makeup bags and 42 necklaces from our troop account for this awesome service project. Heather confided in me that with such an outpouring of love from the surrounding community, she has been able to assemble over 400 purses for the women's shelter. Thanks, Heather, for helping us to remember to take care of our fellow man... uh woman.


  1. How wonderful that you and your family remember women who need help..At the domestic violence shelter there is a big need for lingerie new not used and diapers, wipes and things for the mothers, people donate stuff that is unusable and I have the duty to look at the bags and return them to the people who are trying as they can to donate to this shelter..We have posts about what we can and cannot use, but your idea and what you do in your family is truly remarkable..Gift cards is what we usually get at the holidays but we are in sore need most of the year..I think I will relate what you posted so many who want to help will know what we can need and what we cannot need and have to return to the people at the door of the place..This place is a secret place known only to the police and people who work there, we take our jobs seriously for the safety of the clients the MOMS & SINGLE MOMS AND MANY WHO ARE VICTIMS! I APPLAUD YOUR FAMILY AND WHAT YOU DO FOR YOUR FELLOW WOMEN. You are teaching those little ones what charity that begins at home is really like and also helping women who are MOMS and have problems what God's Mercy is really all about..Happy Mothers Day to you and yours very early, your Mom was a wonderful wonderful woman and you are your blog Sandy and God's continued blessings always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ()()()() XXXXXX

  2. Thank you for the lovely compliments, but please realize that I and my girl scout troop contributed only a tiny part of this project. Heather and her family are the real heroes here. What a wonderful idea for Mother's Day!

  3. Thanks to Heather, I relayed your blog to the ladies who volunteer regularly at the d/v shelter and they were thrilled to learn your friend and friends and family contributed your girl scout troop to such a worthy and needful charity..If only others could realize that a tiny amount of help is a big help to a shelter for people in chaotic and crisis modes, the example to your troop will be long and lasting..We sold ice shaved cones for money yesterday as it got really warm here at a supermarket area and raised a lot, many gave a lot that could have used the money themselves, every teeny tiny amount helps the cause I say and we are so Grateful and Appreciative, keep up your scouting activities and all you do to honor women and children and living in general, what a wonderful Human being you are and MOM and Heather is a doll tooooooo!X()X()X()
