
May 2, 2016

Birthday Party for Gamer

We celebrated Gamer's birthday today even though he isn't officially a year older until next Saturday. He wanted to defer to Mothers' Day, which is probably a good thing.

My sweetie made him a huge pot or 2 of chili and according to Bossy, he made this lovely "chili fort," although when I asked him about the pic, he said he was just trying to soak up the extra liquid and it just happened to look like he was being super creative. (He wouldn't want to smirch his reputation, although I happen to know he has way more creativity than he lets on...)

He's not a big cake fan, so we had Klondike bars and presents. Bossy's favorite gift he got was a silly book of "Man Cave" jokes and she kept sharing them at ridiculous intervals. He was pretty pleased with the set of Tupperware bakeware full of chili that I sent home with him (keep the container!) even though he would never admit it.

He's a pretty good guy, although he would never admit that either.

Happy early birthday, Gamer! You will always be my best first son-in-law!

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