
Mar 21, 2016

Annual Easter Egg Hunt

Today we had our annual Easter Egg hunt. I say annual because Bossy and Gamer started the hunt the first year they were married in 2005 and it has been a tradition ever since. They plan things for weeks in advance and then they stuff plastic eggs with candy and coins. They even buy bigger items and hide them around the yard like PlayDoh and bubbles. Today was one of the best!

Most of us went to the Provo City Center Temple Dedication and then we met up at our house afterward. Little Sis and her family were here and the only ones missing were Beauty and The Beast. It took Bossy and Gamer about 30 minutes to get everything set up while the kids were trapped in the living room clutching their baskets in anticipation.

Ten minutes later, everything was gathered and Bossy began sorting it into bags for all the kids to take home. The kids spread out around the sidewalk to try out the new chalk. Gradually the other families drifted home until it was just us.

Much to Princess's delight, Jaron returned from his nearly week-long absence. They are dating again, but there has been no talk of any future plans.

Bean Dip also has a girlfriend... but that is a story for another day.

1 comment:

  1. Oh man, it is hard to keep up with all the drama of this family! But I sure love reading about it! :)
