
Mar 20, 2016

Family Preparedness

We have the most awesome stake in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints! I know I've told you before about the activity we have in the fall where we have dinner and learn about another culture including games and entertainment. Well, in the spring, we have a different kind of activity. This one was all about being prepared, which of course I like since it is the scouting motto (except the getting up early part).

We got up at 8:00 and headed for the church. In the spring they serve breakfast instead of dinner. There were greeters at the doors to give us maps and tell us where to go for the continental breakfast and the classes. The kids grabbed donuts and fruit and then my sweetie took off with Scout for her softball practice. I headed for the gym with Curly so he could participate in the games. Sadly, Baby Doll decided 8:00 was too early for her so she and Drama Queen stayed home.

I know I should have gone to some of the adult classes, but I was having way too much fun hanging out with Curly. Besides, a bunch of my friends were in the gym.

Curly did some fun games including a scavenger hunt and a cute craft project that turned out to be a fire engine. Then we went outside so he could see the real fire engine before we left. I'm so glad the city supports us in our efforts to be more prepared as a church and a community. Now if we could just get a little more prepared at home...

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