
Mar 22, 2016

Bird Nerds

We had so much fun at FHE tonight! Remember last year when Baby Doll won the Art Contest for the Salt Lake Bird Festival? Well, we decided it would be fun to have the kids draw a picture again this year and what better time than with the family on a Monday night?

I provided the rules and the white paper. Sport offered his colored pencils from his art class, and Drama Queen was in charge of treats. Along with the help of the younger kids, she made Rice Krispies treat nests with a little coconut added for effect. They were formed on the back side of a muffin tin (I never would have thought to do that!).

My sweetie brought home some Peeps in various flavors and when the kids were finished with their masterpieces for the contest, they were allowed to put a couple of birds in their nests and then eat it if they chose.

It was so fun working together! Sometimes it feels like life is so busy we don't get any time, but today we just took some.

It was worth it.

1 comment:

  1. I loved the bird nests; that is so awesome and I am sure yummy too. What a great FHE activity. Blessings and hugs~
