
Dec 23, 2015

More Fun Christmas Activities

Curly's Awesome Candy Race Cars (he didn't want a train)
I want to share a few more exciting things we did last week. On Friday, I helped with Curly's class Christmas party in the morning. The kids made candy trains that they got to take home and eat. I was in charge of Curly's table with 5 kids so it was pretty low key and fun. When some of them started to finish, I was put in charge of reading Christmas stories. We got through about six before I had the whole class on the rug with me. That was my favorite part! I would have made a great librarian.

Sweetie Claus
Then Teach had invited my sweetie to play Santa Claus for her class right after lunch. He presented each of them with a small gift and I got to hand out soda and frosted sugar cookies. It was so much fun to meet her students after I have heard her talk about them so often. Twiz was also with us. My sweetie drove all the way to Rexburg to pick him up and move him down here on Thursday (then he flew home to be with his family for Christmas on Saturday morning). Teach is flying out to meet them all on Saturday the 26th.

Then on Friday afternoon we had our Girl Scout Christmas party. The girls made cute crafts and of course I forgot to take pics while the girls were here, but they each made both of these snowmen. Then on Friday night I actually had a little free time so Drama Queen and I went to the distribution center to buy her temple clothing.

Did I tell you she is being endowed on Christmas Adam, the 23rd? We are so happy for her! I will fill you in a little more tomorrow night, but if I don't get some sleep, I'm going to be too tired for the session.

1 comment:

  1. You are having way too much fun; no matter you need a nap. I loved reading about your fun activities.
    Blessings and hugs!
