
Dec 22, 2015

Christmas Party 2015

I know Princess wrote a beautiful post for me yesterday about our annual family Christmas party, but she didn't have any current pics and I had some fantastic ones on my phone (as well as about 2 dozen blurry ones...).

Love this pic of Grandpa!
We had dinner first, ham and baked potato bar. Then we got the family decorating sugar cookies. It is so fun to see how creative they all are.

Then it was time for Santa to visit. My sweetie does an amazing job with the kids every year. My dad shared his testimony and some precious memories with us before we exchanged gifts, finished off four gallons of ice cream swirled into eggnog shakes and said our goodbyes.

I love trying to keep the family together. It's not always easy, but when there is love there, all things are possible. I hope when my children get older, they will carry on this tradition for our family.

Including the sugar cookies...

1 comment:

  1. I think you a marvelous job of keeping our family all together. This looked like an awesome party. Blessings and hugs!
