
Dec 24, 2015

Christmas Adam

Making Gingerbread
Today was a beautiful, glorious day! Princess made gingerbread all morning while my sweetie put together sweet pork for dinner in the crockpot so it wasn't a huge deal tonight while we were at the temple. I'm happy to say that my Christmas shopping is done and the gifts are wrapped. (I don't know when that has ever happened before!).

We had fun buying candy and treats to deck out all these marvelous houses. My favorite is the one that the Drama Queen made. I would never have thought to make it into a nativity. But you can judge for yourself. My kids and my grandkids are just so creative.

I loved being in the temple today with the Drama Queen. She is such an amazing, loving, caring person. Seeing her in white and making those important covenants... having my oldest 5 children all in the temple at the same time with my dad and my son-in-law and daughter-in-law was the best Christmas gift I could have been given, except for very possibly the one my sweetie has been doing for me. He started 12 days of Christmas with a binder and one sheet of paper, Baby Doll's sweet testimony.

Each day he has added a testimony from a different child to help complete my book. He even rewraps the binder for me each day so that I can open it again and share the testimonies with all of the brothers and sisters. He also gives me a letter that I read aloud the tells how much he loves and appreciates each child. The spiritual gifts are the most important to me. Don't buy me diamond rings or fancy things...

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