
Oct 23, 2015

Results Are In

We have finally finished the first round of Reflections and the kids have scored an impressive number of wins. I'll just list them for you. I am hoping Bossy will get on and put her boys down too, because I know they had wins as well.

Prima Donna
Award of Excellence in Literature, Music, Dance, and Film
Award of Merit in Photography

Award of Excellence in Literature, Music, Dance, Film, Photography, and 3D Art
(That's every category... I told you she was creative!)

Award of Excellence in Music, Dance, Film, and Photography

Award of Excellence in Dance

Award of Excellence in Film and Music.

Award of Excellence in Music and Dance

I am so proud of them for all of their hard work! Great job!


  1. That is awesome! I'm in charge of Reflections this year at my school and we just collected items yesterday. I tell everyone about how your kids enter all the categories, so you're a legend at our school now!

  2. That is so amazing! Your kids are fantastic. I love that they enter in every category. I remember I only entered Reflections twice in my life. One year in elementary school my teacher forced everyone to submit some sort of drawing or something. We did it in school. Then one year in High School I entered a photograph. Never won anything. But I also never REALLY tried. I want to encourage Emma to try lots of things like how you encourage your kids! What a great example!
