
Oct 21, 2015

Love My Blogging World

Remember a few days ago when I whined about needing a change? I'm not typically a whiner, so I'm a little worried that I offended some people. My numbers have been way down since that day. It's interesting that people mostly want to read happy and upbeat stuff. It's OK, I feel the same way. I come to the blogging world to lift my spirits and I generally come away feeling better.

So let me share with you this little story about Baby Doll and Drama Queen.

As told by Drama Queen:

Drama Queen, you are beautiful!
"Last night while getting ready for bed, I found a baby dress mixed in with the stuffed animals and I waxed poetic for a minute about how I wanted a baby. Baby Doll, who is very concerned about the possibility of me moving out (ever), briefly panicked:

Baby Doll: "But you would have to get married and - *sharp inhale*

(I prep for tears as she realizes what that would mean.)

Baby Doll: *unexpectedly sighs with relief* "But no boys like you."

Then she patted my hand and danced off to put on her pjs.

...and I am left with no comeback at all. Out of the mouth of babes, indeed..."


  1. I love this story!--Glad it got written down. And I still read your blog, even after you did that horrible thing to your hair!
    With Love ~R

  2. Hahah! I love it. Good kiddos you've got there!

  3. Oh this is so sweet. I think a blog is to share and I find lots of support here too. Never worry about numbers sometimes people are just busy especially this time of year.

  4. could you please send the link to your other blog to my email address?
