
Oct 23, 2015

Off Track Time

My kids went off track on October 9 and they don't go back to school until November 10. That's a long time! I like to do fun things with them while they are out. They would probably prefer to watch TV and play video games all day, but that is just not my style. I like Scout stuff and field trips. This week we did some of both.
I need a haircut!

Today Curly and I had the morning together while the girls were at preschool. If you remember, Scout is working there during her off track time. We looked through his Soaring Leader book and found a project where he could build a model out of Legos. He promptly ran upstairs and proceeded to build this awesome little boat. He loves Legos, so it was pretty easy to get him excited about it.

Me too!
Then we picked up Baby Doll and Scout from the preschool. We had lunches all packed and Curly and I planned a scout activity where we talked about each food choice and which ones were good and which ones weren't so good. Then we ate as we drove out to Herriman for free haircuts at SuperCuts. I had mine cut a couple of weeks ago, so I didn't need one, but all three of them were pretty overgrown. They love getting in the chair and having someone fuss over them.

Yesterday we looked through the Tiger scout book again and found an activity where Curly needed to build a bird house. Fortunately, I have a box with miscellaneous Lowe's and Home Depot kits from the kids classes. We only found one bird house, but that was enough. I let Scout and Baby Doll each choose kits to build as well. We had fun hammering and gluing for an hour.

There is always plenty to do when the older kids get home, dance, football, volleyball, rehearsal...

Sometimes I wonder about keeping the kids too busy, but I love teaching them what I know. And honestly, I don't know much about video games but unless you ask me to build a fire or tie a knot, I'm a pretty good scout.


  1. your kids are blessed to have you.

  2. Oh, I love that you do such fun things with your children. You are an amazing mother. I think children should be busy and involved in good projects instead of constant TV and Video games. I love the bird houses. We must get some for our backyard.
    Sending love and hugs your way for you all!

  3. Supercuts here doesn't do free anything, they are not a good place to get anything done, we never go there, the beauty schools here do children under 10 free haircuts and do an amazing job..Like I have said in the past you live in a place that has very low cost of living all the way around...just saying!
