
Oct 25, 2015

Recognition of Excellence

 Today was a special day. We have been waiting for it for over a year; since Prima Donna finished her Gold Award project. Today was the Recognition of Excellence ceremony at the Salt Lake Marriott.

We arrived at 10:00 am and made our way to the festivities. Prima Donna had to make a trifold and it was on display in the hallway outside the dining room. She stood by it and answered questions and told people about her project until it was time to go in for the luncheon.

Princess and Daylen were also with us. She was getting recognized for the Cornelia Benton Scholarship she was given a few months ago. Lunch was a fun and happy thing and then it was time for the awards. Princess was called up first and she was presented with a certificate. There were 3 of the 6 scholarships awardees in attendance and 2 of them were from my troop!

Prima Donna gave a speech about her project and the last part of the ceremony was these 19 girls receiving their Gold Awards. They were each presented with a beautiful gold pin and a bouquet of flowers. I was so proud of both of them. Years and years of hard work finally paid off.

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