
Oct 26, 2015

Trunk or Treat

I really should be having one of the kids write this post about Saturday's fun and spooky activities. I have to confess that I wasn't even there! The first one began in the morning while we were at the Recognition of Excellence for Prima Donna and Princess. Actually it probably started a couple of weeks ago when we went down to American Fork to see Inside Out at the free theater.

Drama Queen got it in her head that for Halloween we could dress all the kids up as the various characters from the movie. She started with Teach and she made an amazing Joy dress. Teach bought a blue wig and everything. She looks amazing! Then Baby Doll became Sadness and finally, Dog Walker became Bing Bong. (If you haven't seen the movie, none of that will make sense to you. Just realize that the Dog Walker has a costume that looks ridiculous...:).

So Saturday morning was the city costume contest. Drama Queen stayed up late finishing costumes and it was definitely worth her time. Crafty won first place as Disney's Rapunzel and the Dog Walker came in second for his Bing Bong costume. That was a cool $75 in Target gift cards for them to spend (or give to Drama Queen for her time and talents).

Then later in the day, they all decided (including Bossy's family) to go to the Trunk or Treat in Draper. I didn't go there either. I wanted to have a nice quiet date with my sweetie. They came home with a boatload of candy for their efforts and I guess they had tons of fun looking at the nice cars and the motorcycles. Apparently this was put on by a bike gang...

Or maybe I'm telling this story wrong. Feel free to correct me, Bossy.

It was a terrific start to a fun Halloween week!

(And Drama Queen is madly sewing a Disgust costume for herself.)

1 comment:

  1. looks like a great haul. please resend me a link to your other blog, really want to visit it.
