
Oct 9, 2015

Dog Walker's Big Art Project

Last night I hinted at a large project the Dog Walker was doing and I'm sure you are just dying to know what it is, right? Did I tell you he is taking an Art for Educators class at UVU? He has always been one to draw and do his own amazing illustrations and stories, so we were a little nervous about him taking this class, but it hasn't really changed his way of thinking.

He is required to visit two classes at an elementary school to help him see an art lesson close up and personal, so we emailed Curly's teacher to see if she were willing to let him come in and observe the class doing an art lesson before the kids go off track this week. She was thrilled to have him come in...and even more excited to have him teach the lesson! (Not sure how that happened.)

About a week ago we started looking for something fun to teach a bunch of 2nd graders and we came across some Halloween puppets that looked just right. Unfortunately they needed quite a bit of prep work and honestly, we just didn't have any time to do it until last night, right before it was needed. (That seems to be the story of my life lately...)

The Dog Walker painted 24 brown paper lunch bags green while I cut pieces of construction paper into the right shapes and sizes. The internet pattern was not at all specific, so we were forced to make our own measurements, but after I got the hang of it, it turned out to be mostly busy work. Prima Donna was hanging out with us, so we had her build a sample puppet in between her own homework assignments. She had way too much fun with it.

Fast forward to today.

We arrived right on time in the classroom and the kids loved the project. They were cutting and gluing and using their imaginations. I sat at the back table with Baby Doll and helped her make a puppet too. The Dog Walker was right in the middle of the kids, answering questions and asking them about their Halloween costumes. He did a great job! The evaluating teacher gave him perfect scores.

Someday he will be a fabulous teacher of his own classroom.


  1. Oh, I did love reading this one. Dog Walker is the best and I enjoyed reading about this assignment and how you all put it together. He will be an awesome teacher. Hugs!
