
Oct 10, 2015

Making Applesauce

Guess what we have been doing for the last 9 hours? Shoot, I gave it away again! That's right, after we finished our first Girl Scout meeting of the new scout year, which involved a campfire and s'mores, but I'm sad to say, no pictures, since I totally forgot until about an hour ago...

We started cutting up the apples with the idea that we would just do a batch or two so we had enough fresh applesauce to go with the French toast for Burrito's party tomorrow. He is so excited to be baptized! We are having breakfast here before we head over to the church rather than get together for brunch afterward. All four of the boys have football games. My sweetie is taking Curly to Grantsville as soon as we are finished. I'm a bit more leisurely, I have until 12:30 to have Sport delivered to West.

I also made 6 dozen eggs worth of French toast, so I'm tired. I promise I will take some pictures for you tomorrow so you can see our little get together. If I'm awake.

Right now I'd say it's about 50/50.

1 comment:

  1. I so admire all you do and making applesauce in the middle of it all is awesome! Way to go girl; how do you do it?? Hugs!
