
Oct 8, 2015

Center of Attention

My Baby Doll and I went to lunch today at Chick-fil-A. When I told the manager it was her birthday, he got her a little stuffed cow with a birthday wish.

She wanted to tell everyone it was her birthday! Prima Donna and I had parent teacher conferences at the high school and since they were during school hours, she had to go with us.

And she insisted on taking her huge pink pony (it was hard to say "no" since it was her birthday and that is not exactly the most exciting thing to do...) So we dragged it along with us. Oh, of course she carried it for the first 2 minutes, but after that it was either me or Prima Donna.

Until we walked into a classroom. Then she would steal the spotlight by announcing it was her birthday and that she had received the pony as a gift.

Most of the teachers were amazing and played right along with her, asking her the pony's name and even agreeing to touch its soft ears. She was thrilled to be the center of attention. We had her favorite meal of mac and cheese and hot dogs for dinner and she didn't want to miss any of her birthday so she fell asleep on the couch waiting for the final hour or so to happen. She was probably disappointed with the last little bit since the Dog Walker and I were right in the middle of a huge project.

But I will save that one for tomorrow.


  1. It looks like that sweet Baby Doll had a great birthday day. What a little doll she is and I love the pink pony. Blessings and hugs!
