
Oct 7, 2015

Happy Birthday, Baby Doll

Can you believe she was only a few months old when I started this blog?

My Baby Doll is 5 years old today. We had a party with her friends from preschool and from the neighborhood. They had so much fun! I helped her with the invitations last week and the party favors, but that was about where my assistance ended. At some point Prima Donna and Drama Queen got involved in the planning and I was more than happy to give them full rein at planning a My Little Pony Party.

They did a fabulous job! They started out with a coloring activity where all the kids colored and decorated their own pictures of ponies. Then they bobbed for apples strung from a pole for Apple Jack (that's the name of one of the ponies), did a treasure hunt for Princess Celestia, ran a relay race for Rainbow Dash, played Pin the Tail on Shutterfly, did Rarity's makeovers with a fun cutie mark painted on their faces by Prima Donna, they dressed up like ponies for Pinkie Pie, and had their pictures taken in the photo booth. They even had time for cupcakes and ice cream.

Baby Doll was so excited that she blew out her candles before we finished the song so that was a bit anticlimactic. She loved opening the gifts and she was happy and grateful for each one. Afterward, she put them all in the biggest gift bag and has been carrying them around for the rest of the evening.

We will have her family party on the weekend when all the brothers and sisters can come, so we will be celebrating all week.

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