
Sep 10, 2015

Trifold for Gold

Prima Donna is getting her Girl Scout Gold Award at the Recognition of Excellence ceremony next month. These aren't at all like a Court of Honor for the boy scouts. First of all, they only do them once a year. Secondly, they have them at a hotel downtown. This one is at the City Creek Marriott. They also include lunch for her and two guests.

It's a big, huge deal!

But not only does she have to do all the work to qualify and earn the award (which she did over a year ago), she also had to make a trifold that will be put up in the foyer of the hotel so that all the other scouts can see what she did to earn her Gold. That's due now and she finished it last night so that I can take it down to the council office today.

She did such a good job I wanted to share it with all of you.

As for me, life is insane. Dance started up again this week and we have Nutcracker auditions and volleyball, football, Activity Days, and scouts. I'm trying to reform my troop and get a calendar ready for the rest of the year. We are having an 80th birthday for my dad on Sunday with all the family here, so we are trying to get the house ready and plan a meal for 40 people.

And today is my 32nd Anniversary. My sweetie is working although he is going to try to get away so we can go to lunch. He has been putting in long hours this week so he can prepare to travel next week. I have to defend the grant at the Arts Council tonight and Sport has football pics so we can't really go out this evening.

Some people think that at 18 you don't really know what you want to do with your life, but for me, it was the perfect age to get started on my lifelong journey with my best friend. Why walk the path alone? We have had some amazing adventures. 

I'd do it all over again.


  1. Love it. Happy Anniversary! Hope you're able to get everything done today (you always seem to get it all done) and relax for a minute or two!

  2. Happy Anniversary you two; I can tell how devoted your are to each other. Hope you get a get away at some moment of time.
    congrats to Prima Donna for all the hard work on the Gold. That is a wonderful achievement and I love how they are honoring them.
    Blessings and hugs!

  3. prima donna did a great job. happy anniversary.

  4. Happy 32nd Anniversary to you both and your daughter is amazing and talented..It is all because you are both devoted to each other and the Lord and have a real family not like what they try to put on the tv, movies, etc. a real family..I don't think 18 is toooo young for the right couple, you were not to divorce early and have a lot of kids and no husband, which happens a lot these days..I see it left and right, few stay true to their husbands/wives and their faith! How can a child born in those circumstances learn what a real marriage is like and parenting if they don't have a mother and father who are happy, healthy and loving the Lord! I am married to a man the oldest of the second family of 8 kids and no father, he is warm, kind, loving and loves God and treats me like a queen, so of course our only child is still single waiting for a good man of faith to show up in her life, she will never attempt a marriage and possible a divorce just to say she is married and has a family no she will not, the sacred trust of a good marriage bodes well for children and their choice of a life time mate, not a few years mate..that is her opinion and ours too, Faith carries a person far, congratulations again..& your daughter is outstanding!
