
Sep 11, 2015

Anniversary Lunch

I told you it was my 32nd wedding anniversary yesterday, but we had a very busy day. Even so, they didn't stop us from finding some time to be together. We met for lunch at the Cheesecake Factory. The Dog Walker doesn't have classes on Thursdays, so he watched Baby Doll. It was nice to have lunch with just the two of us.

We had a generous gift card from our friend, Missy, and we only ended up pay about $7. But honestly, I think $67 is way too much to pay for lunch! We didn't even get anything that exciting. I had the orange chicken and my sweetie had salmon. We shared an appetizer and a piece of cheesecake and he had a soda. That was it. We could have eaten out at our favorite Chinese place at least twice for that price, maybe 3 times and the food would have been just as good.

But I digress...

I'm not ungrateful. Really I'm not. Just a bit surprised by the prices. Then after I finally got home last night around 10, we went out for ice cream while Drama Queen put the kids to bed. We sat in the Sconecutter lobby until past 11:30.

I need to soak up all the time I can with my sweetie. It looks like he might be spending a lot of time traveling over the next 3 months. We have been so fortunate to have him here most of the time. He has watched our kids grow up and his jobs have allowed us to live comfortably, so I guess I shouldn't complain about a little travel. Some people have to deal with it all the time.

I feel like I'm rambling today. I'm so glad it's Friday. I hope you have a long and happy weekend.


  1. Very happy that you were able to have some couple time. Sorry, about the traveling; I have been there and done that too. Hope you won't have it for long.

  2. Happy 32nd wedding whee..We don't go to the cheesecake factory it costs about $7.00 for a piece of plain cheesecake here, I could actually make a whole cheesecake for much less..We had a gift card and used it in a suburb of seattle, Bellevue they were very nice, this is a highend area whereby most people make tons of dough, the wait staff was wonderful I got the salmon and tea and my hubs a steak with some wonderful sauce and some soda..They brought us two pieces of strawberry cheesecake by mistake we mentioned we did not order it but they said enjoy anyways and gave me some teabags (dry) to take home..The cheesecake factory at Washington Square in a burb of Portland was the opposite, so we just don't go to that one at all..we tipped well the waiter is working his way up on Bellevue in seattle at the U of W University of Washington he is of your faith his parents were waiting for him to get off his shift for a big family reunion..He was wonderful, it matter where you dine at the Cheesecake Factory...Many happy returns of the day and many more wonderful anniversary celebrations!
